Valley Kids
Valley Community Bible Church exists to glorify God by making more and better disciples of Jesus Christ by outfitting people for God’s kingdom purpose.
The Children’s Ministry aims to accomplish this by nurturing each child’s personal relationship with Christ and by supporting parents in the discipleship process as their children develop.
At Valley we use a kids program called Kidmo for ages K4 to 6th Grade that meets during our regular worship service. Kids are dismissed after the first worship set at approximately 11 a.m.
What is Kidmo?
Know God
Does God exist?
What are the attributes of God?
What is the character of God?
What is prayer?
What is worship?
Integrate a Biblical Worldview
How and why was the world created?
What is the nature and purpose of humanity?
Why did God create me?
What is good and evil?
How do I make right choices?
Discover Truth
What is truth?
What does the Bible mean to me?
How can I experience God?
What spiritual authorities exist?
What happens after we die on earth?
Make Christ Known
What is the Church?
What is the mission of the Church?
How does the body of Christ function?
How can I help others know Christ?
How can I pray for others?
Offer Themselves in Service
What gifts has God given me?
How can I use my time and money to serve God?
What can I do to serve the church?
What can I do to serve my community?
What can I do to serve those in other countries?
Infants and Toddlers:
Infants and Toddlers are cared for in room 106 during the Worship Service. Two paid caregivers and a Volunteer Caregiver will provide childcare and a short teaching time .This age group will be using Route 52 material which will give them a basic overview of Biblical truths. Nursing mothers are welcome to use room 107.
Children who turn 4 within a school year or summer will remain in the Toddler Room until the following fall quarter begins. The primary purpose of our Toddler ministry is to continue providing age-appropriate loving care and introduce a short music and teaching time of basic Bible concepts and major Bible stories.
AWANA is a Bible-based club for children from age 2 through high school.
The word AWANA is based on the club’s key verse: 2 Timothy 2:15. Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed.
The AWANA ministry goal is to reach boys and girls with the Gospel of Christ and train them to serve Him.
AWANA meets October through April on Wednesdays from 6:15 to 8:00 p.m.
Components of the club include Scripture memorization, council time messages and game time.
AWANA participates in some extra-club activities including Bible Quiz, Grand Prix, AWANA Games, Super Saturday, Teen Lock-in/All-Nighter, and service opportunities around the community.